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The Modern Office: Why a Strong IT Foundation Should Be the Basis of Your Business

Business builds itself from the ground up. Your business internet technology (IT) is no different, which is why your foundation is so critical. The modern office revolves around having strong IT in place. From communications to automated business processes and ...

Saying Farewell to Windows 7: Why It’s Time to Move On to an Updated Product

In the Fall of 2018, Microsoft announced that its Windows 7 product would experience its end of life as of January 14, 2020. This will have major implications for businesses as Microsoft will stop providing free Windows 7 support such ...

The Modern Office and Connectivity: Why Access to IT Drives Today’s Businesses

As we discuss what makes the modern office function fluidly, we cannot overlook the importance of connectivity. While the end user sees only a portion of internet technology (IT) that actually exists, the fact of the matter is that IT ...

Bring Your Own Device vs. Enterprise Devices

Why Businesses Should Make the Investment for Employees Mobility has become a major asset for modern businesses. It gives companies an edge when employees can work from anywhere with remote access on any device ranging from a cell phone, tablet, ...

The Modern Office and Security: What you need to know about protecting your business and its data

One of the most critical components of the modern office environment for a healthy, scalable business infrastructure is security. It is the cornerstone of your IT for it protects the other components that your company needs to keep thriving and ...

IT Tips for Today’s Tax Professionals

With tax day just two weeks away, many people may have their minds set on getting their taxes filed fast if they haven’t done so already. Tax professionals always find themselves swamped from February to May with businesses and individuals ...

The Biggest Backup Mistakes Businesses Make

Companies rely heavily on technology for their day-to-day operations - from customer service and ordering to manufacturing and accounting. Consider the technology, from hardware to software, your business uses to keep it moving forward every day. Now imagine what would ...

Moving Enterprise Resource Planning Applications to the Cloud

Many small businesses use a variety of applications from QuickBooks to Salesforce to handle the needs of company operations. Though larger businesses can use the same mishmash of applications, most have moved to a single Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application ...

The Modern Office and Business Continuity

What you need to know to protect your company The modern office requires that all components of your business environment work together harmoniously to ensure the best use of your IT infrastructure and seamless scalability as your business grows. One ...

The Value of Remote Assistance

Who is managing your business when you take time off? Who provides back up when your IT team is unavailable? What if you come across a problem that is beyond your technician’s scope of knowledge? A dedicated remote support service ...



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Suite 1
Needham, MA 02494

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